Our services reflect our conviction that the preaching and teaching of God’s Word is the primary means the Lord has appointed for the edification of the saints. Practical application of the truths of God’s word to the life of the believer has been, and will continue to be, the focus of our ministries with special attention often given to evangelism.
Sunday School
Classes are from 9:30am to 10:15am. Along with an adult class we have several children’s classes tailored to the level of understanding and comprehension of the class’s age group. An emphasis is given to evangelism and encouragement in the faith, while endeavoring to give the truths of God’s Word practical application in the lives of the children.
Morning Worship
We gather to worship our God each Lord’s Day morning from 10:45am to 12:30pm. Our worship, like our faith, is God-centered. We gather not to glorify men or to be entertained, but to give to the Lord the worship that he requires and deserves. Our worship is simple, consisting only of those things that have the clear warrant of the Bible. We pray and sing and read the Scriptures and give attention to the preaching of the Word. Beyond these things we have no liberty or desire. We believe that God is honored in this way and that he meets with us when we worship him in spirit and in truth.
Evening Worship
We return to God’s house each Lord’s Day from 5:00pm to 6:30pm (except on the first Sunday of the month when we have our fellowship lunch followed by an afternoon prayer service at 2:00pm).