In addition to the sermons available online, we are pleased to make Dr. Robert Martin’s sermons available on a USB Stick in 64K MP3 format.
An Exploration of James
An Exploration of Philippians
An Exploration of Proverbs
Basic Christian Truth
Basic Christian Truths
Christian Economics
Christian Joy
Church Membership
Exposition of Acts
Exposition of Hebrews
Exposition of John
Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith
God’s Cure for Vainglory
Isaiah 53
Isaiah 55
Knowing and Growing
Lessons in OT Biblical Theology
Old Testament Snapshots
Studies in Romans
The Biblical Doctrine of Love
The Blessings of Being Right with God
The Christian Sabbath
The Doctrines of Grace
The Five “Solas” of the Reformation
The Moral Law
The Parable of the Sower; Perseverance
The Person and Work of Christ
The Words of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
and Many other short series and individual sermons
For a list of individual sermon titles in each series please click HERE.
(free Adobe PDF reader required)
To request sermons:
Please send an email to To cover the cost of shipping and media, we request a $15.00 donation. We are sorry but we can ship to U.S. addresses only.
Please send donations to:
Sermon Requests
524 Aaby Dr
Auburn , WA 98001
Make checks payable to Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church.